CEASD Mission
CEASD supports and promotes effective school leadership to advance education programs for deaf and hard of hearing children.
CEASD Vision
Deaf children will thrive.
Updated April, 2019
We believe …
• Deaf and hard of hearing students must have full access to education in language rich environments, designed to maximize their language, academic, and human (social) potential.
• Highly competent and knowledgeable educational leaders are vital to the success of quality schools and programs.
• It is essential for school leaders to engage in critical dialogue and ongoing professional development opportunities in the area of leadership.
• The National Agenda should drive educational programming for deaf and hard of hearing students.
• Results driven accountability is central to achieving quality outcomes for deaf and hard of hearing students.
• Research must be translated to best practices at the school, program, and classroom level.
• Our schools should promote diversity through an inclusive culture to gain the strength that comes with individual differences and understanding of and respect for those differences.
• Continuous school improvement through CEASD accreditation improves the quality and viability of our schools.
• Public policy must place the child first and actively support and enhance informed choice for parents, the full continuum of education placements, and specialized education for deaf and hard of hearing students.
• Advocacy is essential to protect the educational rights of deaf and hard of hearing students.
Updated February, 2013